Sunday afternoon

What do you after been outside walking the dog when it -8 degrees celcius? If you are lucky enough to have a woodburning stove, well, you get some fire burning, sit down with with a hot cup of tea and some kitting project and focus on getting some heat into your body…

…and that is just what I did. Now working on my daughters winter coat, I put a picture of it in here last weekend. Knitting the edges that are then sewn on after opening it up by cutting it with scissors. But first you sew where the pattern meets in a sewing machine. I struggled a bit with that, never been very good on the sewing machine. However I intend to mend that since my grandmother gave me hers. She celebrated her ninety-eth (I appologise for my spelling) birthday this spring, her mind is clear although her body just isn’t what it used to be, naturally, and therefore she gave me her sewing machine, takk amma mín! 🙂

I truly hope that your weekend has been as lovely as mine has been!

I don’t now if you can see it clearly but I will put in a photo when it is done.

Saturday afternoon

Yebb me, the cat (cat in my lap) and the dog are all up on the sofa toghether on this cold and windy saturday afternoon. The black thing there on the table is a scarf that I am working on in seed stich, double plötulopi and einband. Hoping to finish it this weekend. I did finish the mittens that I mentioned last weekend, just very plain and simple. Haven’t taken a picture yet and now that I think I should do so I find myself trapped under a cat and a dog, and since they are so cozy there I dare not even to stir, so the picture will have to wait 🙂 And since I can’t move my boyfriend brought me a whole tin of Quality Street chocolates that I am now eating vigorously…

Happy times! 🙂

First snow of the year

The winter has come here in Iceland. It was – 13 degrees celcius this morning and that is just perferct to stay indoors and knit and eat chocolate and drink it too hahaha, but here are pictures of the view out of my windows and as you can see its pretty chilly…

And here you see my cup of hot cocoa and empty chocolate wrappings and very plain grey mittens on the needleds, knitted with léttlopi. I am knitting them for my boyfriend who needs them by the look of it 🙂 So I best continue and see if I can’t have them ready by the end of day… happy winter everyone! 😀